Native American Task Force

Facilitate, Communicate, Collaborate

NATF’s Mission

The statewide Native American Task Force (NATF) coordinated by Montana Centers for Independent Living (MTCIL) seeks to establish and maintain relationships with Montana Centers for Independent Living (CIL’s) and American Indian/Alaska Native communities. The NATF strives to work effectively with all Communities to promote collaboration that benefits American Indians/Alaska Natives across Montana.

Priority Areas: Access to Healthcare; Suicide Prevention; Behavioral Health

The Montana NATF is a task force of American Indians/Alaska Natives, family members and supporters thereof, and individuals interested in promoting the well-being of American Indians/Alaska Natives with and without disabilities living on and off of Montana reservations.

NATF members have identified the following current priority areas of need among American Indians/Alaska Natives: Access to Healthcare; Suicide Prevention; Behavioral Health. The NATF group focus is in those priority areas as well as anything related. Our goal is to work with and alongside American Indians/Alaska Natives to help prevent barriers to enable those with and without disabilities across Montana to take full advantage of access to society and advance their independence and civil rights.

Contact the NATF

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